There are two steps to enrolment. Please ensure you are able to provide a primary and secondary PROOF OF RESIDENCY before you progress with the enrolment forms. To ensure you are eligible to enrol at our school, please check the catchment map first.
For enquiries during school holiday periods, please email
Step 1
Download, read and complete documents
It is suggested that double sided printing of the enrolment forms be done as it is quite a large document.
enrolment forms
Step 2
Book in for an enrolment interview with the school admin team
Once the school has received and processed your enrolment forms and confirmed that you live within the catchment area you will be contacted to arrange a time to meet and discuss your child’s placement within the school and to hear from the admin team the school expectations. If you have a child with special needs / behaviour concerns please let the office staff know when they are arranging your interview time so that if required the HOSES (Head of Special Education Services) and or the HOC Behaviour (Head of Curriculum) can attend.
Step 3
Enrolment meeting
At interview you will need to present a birth certificate and proof of residency in two forms.
Arrive 5 minutes before your meeting time with the admin team and bring your child.
If you haven’t already signed the enrolment agreement this will need to be done.
Present proof of residency at the address indicated on the enrolment
Please note:
Both pieces of proof must show the same address and the parent/s name.
Student who are enrolling will start school the following day.
Step 4
First Day
Start the day prepared to learn. Books and equipment ready.
Student to be in full school uniform.
Attend the office area at 8.30am so that you and your child can be taken to your classroom to meet the teacher.